Friday, December 12, 2014

Grammar Exam - Tuesday 12/16/14

The GRAMMAR test is scheduled for TUESDAY, 12/16/14, at 7:30pm.

If you are late, you will NOT be allowed to take the test.

The test will take only a few minutes.  Right after that, we will have our end-of-session POTLUCK.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Listening & Speaking Test

The listening and speaking test will be on Thursday, 12/11/14, at 7pm.
Please be on time.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Assignments for Tuesday 12/09/14


Review all chapters and come to class to get all your questions answered (passive/causative).

Saturday, November 29, 2014


Please click on the link below and answer the questions to find your learning style.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Some of My Favorite Movies

My Cousin Vinny
The Italian Job
Only You
Double Jeopardy
Dallas Buyers Club
The Terminal
The Core
Little Miss Sunshine
Shawshank Redemption
Godfather 1, 2, 3
It's a Wonderful Life
Larry Crowne
To Kill a Mockingbird
Good Will Hunting
Three Days of the Condor
Rain Man
Working Girl
Last Holiday
Ocean's Eleven
Ocean's Twelve
Ocean's Thirteen
The Bonfire of the Vanities
Meet Joe Black
The Sting
The Usual Suspects
French Kiss
Life Is Beautiful
The Mask of Zorro
50 First Dates
The Professional
Les Miserables
City of Angels
Matchstick Men
The Game
The Score
Good Morning Vietnam
Devil's Advocate
Temple Grandin
Joyeux Noel
The Proposal
The Intouchables
We're No Angels
Friends with Money
The Secret in Their Eyes
The Verdict
Hachi: A Dog's Tale
A Separation
Patch Adams
The Way We Were
Just Go with It
Analyze This
Up Close & Personal
Inside Man
12 Angry Men
The Mechanic
Green Card
Grown Ups
Death Becomes Her
Groundhog Day
Cool Runnings
The Book Thief
The Lunchbox
The Last Castle

TV Series
White Collar
The Sopranos

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Assignments for Tuesday 12/02/14

Do all the exercises on pages 468-476.
Read pages 161-162. 
Then answer the questions on pages 163-165.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Friday, November 21, 2014

Assignments for Tuesday 11/25/14

Read pages 445-446.
Complete the vocabulary/comprehension exercises on page 447.
Read/review the grammar presentation on pages 448-450.
Complete the exercises on pages 450-456.
Read pp. 155-156.
Do the comprehension/vocabulary exercises on pages 156-159.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Note the CHANGE in the schedule for your FINAL EXAM

The date and time of the final exam  have been changed.  Please click on the following link to see the change in the schedule.
More information about the specifics of all tests will be posted next week.

Assignments for Thursday 11/20/14

There are no "new" assignments for Thursday...
However, please read all the grammar presentations (Focus on Grammar 4) related to indirect speech (units 25-28 / pages 401-460).
This will help you understand what direct/indirect speech is all about as well as how you can change one to the other.

Sunday, November 16, 2014


Our last day of class (FINAL EXAM - PART 2) is on December 16th, from 7:30pm to 9:30pm.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Assignments for Thursday 11/18/14

Read pages 144-146.
Complete the comprehension / vocabulary exercises on pages 146-148.

Complete the exercises on pages 407-412.
Read pages 417-418.
Complete the vocabulary/comprehension exercises on pages 419.
Study the grammar presentation on pages 420-422.
Do the exercises on pages 422-429.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


This is a great review of conditionals.  Just keep in mind that "conditional 0" is not a real conditional.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Assignments for Thursday 11/13/14

Complete all the exercises on pages 360-367.
Complete all the exercises on pages 374-380.
Complete all the exercises on pages 388-395.

Check out this link if you feel that you need more practice with conditional sentences.

Read pages 114-117.
Then complete the comprehension/vocabulary exercises on pages 118-120.

Assignments for Thursday 11/06/14

Review the quiz 10/28/14.
FOG4:Study the grammar presentation and notes on pages 358-359, 372-373, and 386-387.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Assignments for Tuesday 11/04/14

Read pp. 340-341.
Then complete the vocabulary/comprehension exercises on pp. 341-342.
Study the grammar presentation on pages 343-344.
Do exercises 1 & 2 on pp. 345-346.

Read pp. 95-96.  Do the exercises on pages 97-99.
Read pp. 100-103.  Do the exercises on pages 104-106.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Assignments for Thursday 10/30/14

Watch this video:

Read the passage on pages 308-309 (again).
Answer the vocabulary/comprehension questions on page 310.
Do the exercises on pages 314-319.
Do the exercises on pages 328-333.

Robbie & Cher

Robbie Williams - Feel

Cher - You Haven't Seen the Last of Me

Passive Causative (Friends)

Phoebe:  Now some of you are going to get cut, and some of you aren't...

Dudley Moore
Demi Moore

Passive Links |
(There are some spelling mistakes in this video but the lesson is good.)
You can play the song (press the arrow) and follow the lyrics. 
You'll hear a lot of verbs in the passive form.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Quiz 10/28/14 SAMPLES

AWrite the correct tense/form of the verb in each blank. (2 points each)
B – Add a tag to each of the sentences below. (3 points each)
C – Underline the adjective clause in each sentence and circle the connector. (2 points each)
D – Write additions of similarity using “so” or “either” for the sentences below. (4 points each)
E – Are the verbs in the following sentences in active form or passive form? Circle the correct answer. (2 points each)
example: My students have studied the chapter on passive.        ACTIVE     PASSIVE       
F – Underline the synonym/definition of each of these words and expressions. (2 points each)

  1. crucial                                      a. cross                                    b. important
  2. mission                                    a. an important purpose           b. to miss someone
  3. run into                                    a. meet by chance                    b. finish a supply
  4. decade                                     a. 10 days                                 b. 10 years
  5. put off                                     a. take off                                  b. delay
  6. keep on                                    a. continue                                b. not enter
  7. look out                                   a. wear glasses                          b. be careful
  8. eat out                                     a. eat in a restaurant                  b. eat completely
  9. quit                                          a. give away                              b. give up
  10. believe                                     a. fall for                                   b. make up

Friday, October 24, 2014

Assignments for Tuesday 10/28/14

Review the whole grammar section (presentation/notes) in the chapter on passive voice .
Watch the YouTube on passive voice (blog).
Do ALL of the exercises in the chapter on passive voice -- including the writing assignment (essay/paragraph on your country).
Be prepared for a quiz on passive voice.
Hint:  All the questions in the quiz will be from the book chapter and the YouTube video (blog).

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Assignments for Thursday 10/23/14

Read pages 290-291.
Answer the vocabulary/comprehension questions on page 291.
Study the grammar presentation and notes on pages 292-293.
Watch this short YouTube video on passive voice and pronouns:
Do exercises 1-9 on pages 293-302.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Assignments for Tuesday 10/21/14


Part 1:
--Review the phrasal-verb exercises on pages 200-201
(knowing the level of formality of phrasal verbs is very important)

Part 2:

--Read "Extroverts and Introverts" on pages 206-207.
--Complete the vocabulary/comprehension exercises on pages 207-208.
--Read "Torn between Two Worlds" on pages 221-222.
--Complete the vocabulary/comprehension exercises on page 223.

Part 3:

--Read this one-page introduction to adjective clauses:
--Study the grammar charts and notes on pages 208-210 and 224-227 carefully.
--Check out the following website:

Thursday, October 16, 2014



POTLUCK 10/16/14

Here's what each person is bringing:

Sudip - chips
Anika - brownies
Aurore - crepes bretonnes
Jahangir - snack
Arely - sodas
Maria - tostadas
Celina - mini sandwiches
Nico - plates, spoons, forks, and napkins
Aida - cream cheese with crackers
Elmira - salad
Ning - Thai food
Maribel - flan
Banafsheh - shallot dip with chips
Silvia - Argentinian beef empanadas / cake
Mozhgan - halva
Noosha - eggplant borani

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Monday, October 13, 2014

Assignments for Tuesday 10/14/14

Read Wind and Water on pages 172-173.
Complete the vocabulary/comprehension exercises on page 173.
Read the grammar notes on pages 175-176.
Do all the exercises on pages 177-183.
Read Welcome Home on pages 186-187.
Study the grammar presentation and notes on pages 188-190.
Complete all the exercises on pages 190-196.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Assignments for Tuesday 10/7/14

Read "Untitled" on pages 90-91.
Complete the comprehension/vocabulary exercises on pages 91-93.
Read "Googling Your Date" on pages 95-97.
Complete the comprehension/vocabulary exercises on pages 97-99.
Do all the exercises on pages 160-165.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Assignments for Thursday 10/02/14

Read pages 156 & 157.
Then answer the vocabulary questions on page 158.
Study the grammar chart on page 159 carefully.
Do the vocabulary/collocation exercises on pages 80-82.
Read "Students Think Love Conquers All" on pages 85-86.
Then do the comprehension/vocabulary exercises on pages 86-88.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Friends Theme Song - VERB TENSES

Read the lyrics of Friends' theme song, and pay attention to all the verb tenses.

Assignments for Tuesday 9/30/14

Read pages 76-77.
Then complete the comprehension / vocabulary exercises on pages 77-79.

Read pages 138-139.
Do the vocabulary / comprehension exercises on page 140.
Study the grammar presentation on GERUNDS & INFINITIVES on pages 141-143.
Complete the exercises on pages 144-151.

BLOG: (Writing Assignment)
Choose two of the following characters (Phoebe, Rachel, Monica, Joey, Ross, Chandler) and describe their similarities and their differences in a compare/contrast essay.
Email your essay, which contains at least 150 words, to by 6:00 pm on Monday, 9/29/14.
In your essay, use so, too, either, and neither to show similarity, and use but, while, and however ("however" is a transition word often used at the beginning of a sentence) to show dissimilarity.
Also, try to use some of the words you have recently learned just to practice using them.
***Here are some links to websites that can provide some useful words (adjectives) to describe your characters:

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Assignments for Thursday 9/25/14

Read "Advertisers Try New Ways to Get into Your Head" by Gigi Stone - pages 71-72.
Do all the Comprehension/Vocabulary Exercises - pages 72-73.
Be prepared to discuss the questions in Responding to Reading on page 75.

Review vocabulary and be ready to use all the words from your past quizzes in sentences.
You can use the fabulous vocabulary website (Noosha's Best Friend).


PC - Personal Computer
WWW - World Wide Web
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
IM - Instant Messaging
PDF - Portable Document File
FYI - For Your Information
RSVP - Repondez s'il vous plait (please respond)
ABC - American Broadcasting Corporation
BBC - British Broadcasting Corporation
CBS - Columbia Broadcasting System
CNN - Cable News Network
NBC - National Broadcasting Corporation

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Assignments for Tuesday 9/23/14

-Read pages 60-62.
-Complete the comprehension / vocabulary exercises on pages 62-65.
-Read pages 66-67.
-Complete the comprehension / vocabulary exercises on pages 68-69.
-Do all the exercises on pages 124-129.
-Find the words "different," "difference," and "differ" on LEXTUTOR. (Just type the word in the box and choose All of Above in In Corpus; then click on Get Concordance.)
-Review Quiz 9/18/14 ANSWERS on the BLOG.

WOR2 - Chapter 8 - ANSWERS

Vocabulary Building – page 53
  1. h
  2. d
  3. j
  4. b
  5. f
  6. a
  7. c
  8. i
  9. g
  10. e
Vocabulary Review – page 54
  1. outsider, signaled
  2. ashamed
  3. lyrics
  4. resonate
  5. distinct

Some Movie Suggestions... for Movie Lovers

Here are some movies related to cultural diversity:
The Joy Luck Club
House of Sand and Fog
John Q
Bend It Like Beckham

What is "collocation"?

Collocation is a group of words that usually go together.

A good way to think of collocation is to look at the word collocation:
co - meaning together 
location - meaning place
Collocation are words that are located together.

1. make tea
2. run a business
3. high heels
4. Harry Potter
5. cause problems
6. do homework
7. provide care

You CAN say…
…but NOT…
do homework
make homework
long legs
lengthy legs
cause problems
cause solutions
provide care
provide harm

For more examples of collocations, go to page 56 in WOR2.

Assignments for Tuesday 9/23/14

-Read pages 60-62.
-Complete the comprehension / vocabulary exercises on pages 62-65.
-Read pages 66-67.
-Complete the comprehension / vocabulary exercises on pages 68-69.
-Do all the exercises on pages 124-129.
-Find the words "different," "difference," and "differ" on LEXTUTOR. (Just type the word in the box and choose All of Above in In Corpus; then click on Get Concordance.)
-Review Quiz 9/18/14 ANSWERS on the BLOG.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Meet Noosha's Best Friend:

Click on the link above.
Choose "Concordance."
Choose English.
Type word in the box.
Choose All of Above (4th choice) in In Corpus.
Click on Get Concordance.

OR... (if you are too lazy to do all that)...
Go to
(Just type the word in the box and choose All of Above in In Corpus; then click on Get Concordance.)

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


WOR2 – Chapter 7
Vocabulary --- p. 48

           Part 1
  1. d
  2. f
  3. b
  4. a
  5. c
  6. e
    Part 2
  7. i
  8. g
  9. l
  10. h
  11. j
  12. k

    Tuesday, September 16, 2014

    Assignments for Thursday 9/18/14

    Do all the exercises on pages 109 to 113.

    Read (Un)American on pages 51-52.
    Then do all the comprehension / vocabulary exercises on pages 53-54.

    Friday, September 12, 2014

    Assignments for Tuesday 9/16/14

    Do the exercises on pages 90-93.
    Do the review exercise on page 95.
    Do the exercises on pages 96 and 97.

    Read pages 44-46 and do the comprehension / vocabulary exercises on pages 46-50.
    Go to page 50 - Responding to Reading #2: Write a compare/contrast paragraph.
    Email me ( your response to #2 by Monday, 9/15/14, 11:59pm.
    Please put ESL331 and your first name in the subject line of the email.

    Tuesday, September 9, 2014

    Assignments for Thursday 9/11/14

    Study pages 63-65.
    Then do the exercises on pages 66-73.
    Watch this video:
    Read "Money Talks" on pages 79-80.
    Do the vocabulary/comprehension exercises on page 81.
    Study pages 82-85.
    Do the exercises on pages 85-89.

    Read pages 37-39. 
    Do the exercises on pages 40-42.

    Thursday, September 4, 2014

    Assignments for Tuesday 9/9/14

    Do the exercises on pages 43 to 51.
    Read "Cities of the Future" on pages 60-61.
    Then do the vocabulary/comprehension exercises on page 62.

    Do the exercises on pages 31 to 35.

    Gustavo Dudamel & Pharrell Williams - Happy (Trombone)


    a type of Latin American dance music incorporating elements of jazz and rock;
    a dance performed to salsa music.

    (especially in Latin American cooking) a spicy tomato sauce.

    a short stick or staff or something resembling one, in particular.

    a thin stick used by a conductor to direct an orchestra or choir
    Track & Field
    a short stick or tube passed from runner to runner in a relay race.

    Gustavo Dudamel presents "Mambo"  

    Tuesday, September 2, 2014

    Assignments for Thursday 9/4/14

    Read the poem on pages 22-23.
    Then answer the comprehension questions on page 23.

    Review all the charts from units 1, 2, and 3.
    Review the rules of spelling and fill out the chart in Practice 7 (link below):

    Adding ED and ING to Verbs

    The past tense refers to things that happened in the past. To make the past tense of regular verbs, the ending -ed is added to the infinitive ('I asked her a question'). The present participle refers to things that are still happening. To make the present participle, the ending -ing is added to the infinitive ('I am asking her a question').
    Often there's no need to make any other spelling changes when you add -ed and -ing to the infinitive but there are some cases when it's necessary to do so. Here are some rules to help you get it right:

    Verbs ending with a silent e

    If the verb ends with an e that isn’t pronounced (as in bake or smile), then you need to drop this final -e before adding -ed and -ing:
    verbpast tensepresent participle

    Verbs ending in -ee, -ye, and -oe (such as free, dye, and tiptoe) do not drop the final -e when adding -ing:
    verbpast tensepresent participle

    A very few verbs keep the final -e when adding -ing to distinguish them from similar words. For example, singe becomes singeing rather than singing (which is the present participle of sing).

    Verbs ending with a vowel plus -l

    If the verb ends with a vowel plus -l (as in travel or equal), then you need to double the l before adding -ed and -ing in British English:
    verbpast tensepresent participle

    This rule doesn’t apply in American English: see more information about the differences between British and American spelling

    Verbs ending with a single vowel plus a consonant

    If the verb ends with a single vowel plus a consonant, and the stress is at the end of the word (e.g. refer), then you need to double the final consonant before adding -ed and –ing:
    verbpast tensepresent participle

    If the verb ends with a vowel plus a consonant and the stress is not at the end of the word, you don’t need to double the final consonant when adding -ed and -ing:
    verbpast tensepresent participle

    If the verb has only one syllable and ends with a single vowel plus a consonant (e.g. stop), then you need to double the final consonant before adding -ed and -ing:
    verbpast tensepresent participle

    Verbs ending with two vowels plus a consonant

    If the verb ends with two vowels plus a consonant, you should generally not double the final consonant:
    verbpast tensepresent participle

    Verbs ending in -c

    If the verb ends in -c (e.g. panic), you need to add a -k before adding -ed and -ing, and also -er.
    verbpast tensepresent participlerelated noun

    Friday, August 29, 2014

    Assignments for Tuesday 9/2/14

    Do the vocabulary/comprehension exercises on page 27.
    Read the charts on pages 28-30 carefully, and make sure you understand all of the examples.
    Do the exercises on pages 30-35.

    Read "It's OK to Be Different" on pages 15-16.
    Then do the comprehension/vocabulary exercises on pages 17-20

    Read the two articles I've posted on the blog "A Powerful Influence"  and "Whose Opinion Matters More?"
    Write a short paragraph comparing and contrasting the two articles.
    Then email your short paragraph to by 11:59pm on Monday and write your FULL NAME in the Subject line of the email.

    Example: If I wanted to compare and contrast our two textbooks for this class (Focus on Grammar 4 & World of Reading 2), I would write the short paragraph below:
    Both Focus on Grammar 4 and World of Reading 2 are books designed to teach English to language learners.  These books have both been published by Pearson.  However, these books are different in terms of the skills they address.  While Focus on Grammar 4 introduces the rules of the language through texts and exercises, World of Reading 2 focuses on vocabulary and text analysis.  Another difference between these books is that Focus on Grammar 4 has listening exercises and therefore contains a CD, whereas World of Reading 2 doesn't.

    Whose Opinion Matters More?

    Whose Opinion Matters More: Parents' or Friends'?
    When my wife and I first started dating, she would joke that because I valued my best friend’s opinion so much, we would only be able to stay together if he approved of her…at least I think she was joking.  Fortunately, he gave me his blessing, and now my wife and I are happily married. But why wasn’t my wife worried about what my parents would think of her? Did she believe that I don’t trust my parents’ advice? (Mom and Dad, I do listen to your advice…most of the time). Or did my wife simply believe that my best friend’s advice would carry more weight than my parents’?
    Researchers have examined just this – whose opinion, friends' or parents', has more influence on individuals’ dating choices.1 In the study, participants first completed a short questionnaire about themselves and then provided researchers with contact information for a friend and a parent. Participants were led to believe the researchers would contact the friend and parent to ask them some questions. A few weeks later, participants returned to the lab and interacted with two potential romantic partners over instant messenger. In reality, the potential partners were actually research assistants who responded to the participants’ messages with scripted, standardized replies. After interacting with both potential partners, participants received feedback about one of the interaction partners (no information was given about the other partner, which served as a control condition). Participants were told one of three things: (1) both their friend and parent approved of the partner; (2) both disapproved; or (3) one person approved (e.g., friend) and the other disapproved (e.g., parent). (Importantly, participants believed this feedback because they had previously given permission for the researchers to contact their friend and parent. In reality, this feedback was false – neither the friend nor the parent was ever asked for their opinion). Afterward, participants rated how much they liked each interaction partner and decided with which of the two partners they wished to continue interacting.
    So to recap, Jenny came to a lab, answered some questions about herself, then gave the researchers permission to contact a friend and parent. Jenny then comes back to the lab a couple weeks later, interacts with two people over instant message, and is told that her friend and/or parent approve of one of the partners. Jenny then decides how much she likes the interaction partners and which one she would like to get to know further.
    A few interesting patterns emerged from the study. First, friend’s – but not parent’s – opinions predicted whether or not participants liked the interaction partner. Additionally, participants were more than twice as likely to choose the interaction partner the friend approved of. Parent’s opinion, on the other hand, did not generally predict which interaction partner participants chose. But parents’ opinions did matter for some participants. For those indicating that they relied more heavily on their parents than their friend for resources (such as receiving comfort and advice or financial assistance), the parent’s approval or disapproval predicted how much participants liked the interaction partner. That’s right, if Mom or Dad does stuff for you, then you’ll actually listen to them when judging potential partners. That said, only your friends affect who you finally choose.
    To summarize, our friends’ opinions more strongly influence how much we like and are willing to date a potential romantic partner than do our parents’ opinions…unless we rely on our parents for more resources than our friends. So, it turns out that my wife’s instinct was correct (as it usually is, but don’t let her know I admitted it) – my best friend’s opinion was going to more strongly affect how much I liked her than would my parent’s opinion, but that’s mostly because I was socially and emotionally independent at that point in my life. It appears, then, that Mama only knows best (or rather, influences us most) when Mama is still the go-to person in our lives. Sorry Mama.

    Thursday, August 28, 2014

    A Powerful Influence

    A teen's friends are a powerful influence

    Behavior is almost contagious among teenagers. Good behavior by peers can spread through the group. But bad behavior can also be modeled.

    April 11, 2011|By Valerie Ulene, Special to the Los Angeles Times

    My parents had it pretty easy with me when I was a teenager. I was a bit of a nerd. I earned straight A's in school, ran for student government and spent much of my free time watching reruns of "Little House on the Prairie." And they had little to complain about when it came to my friends — most of them were as straight as I was. My mom and dad considered them a positive influence.
    Many parents aren't nearly this lucky. Their teens run with kids who prefer partying to homework or fistfights to team sports. It's only natural for these parents to worry about the way their children are being influenced. And it's only logical for them to wonder: Should I allow my child to spend time with these kids at all?
    "It's a tricky issue," says Mitch Prinstein, director of clinical psychology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and editor of the Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. "It's a fair and appropriate question for parents to be asking themselves."
    The influence that friends exert over one another as teenagers is clearly powerful and, far too often, undesirable. Unhealthy behaviors can be almost contagious among kids this age. Teens whose friends smoke, drink or use drugs, for example, are more likely to indulge in these behaviors themselves. Aggressive, illegal or self-injurious behaviors also have a tendency to cluster among friend groups, as do concerns about body image and eating.

    Wednesday, August 27, 2014

    Assignments for Thursday 8/28/14

    Unit 2 - do the exercises on pages 15-23
    Unit 1 - review

    Check out this link also:

    Chapter 2 - read the text on page 10 and do the exercises on pages 11-13
    Chapter 1 - vocabulary review

    Sunday, August 24, 2014

    Friday, August 22, 2014

    Assignments for Tuesday 8/26/14

    FOG4: Do all the exercises on pages 6 to 10.
    WOR2: Do all the comprehension questions on page 4.  Then do all the vocabulary exercises on pages 5 to 7.

    Hamed, Kayvan, Gahanger, Hasan, and Maria

    After you finish your exercises, please read the syllabus carefully and look at the tentative schedule.

    Thursday, August 21, 2014

    Tuesday, August 19, 2014

    Assignments for Thursday - 8/21/14

    Dear Students,

    It was nice meeting all of you.

    Here is what you need to do for Thursday:

    Make sure you have your books.

    Prepare for the quiz.  The questions will be about the blog, the syllabus, and the tentative schedule.

    Read the article by Dave Mosher again, and find all the words and expressions that are new to you.  Write the definition for each word or expression.  Then write the part of speech for each word.  This means you need to specify whether the word is a noun, an adjective, an adverb, or a verb.

    See you on Thursday at 7pm.

    Noosha Ravaghi

    Sunday, August 17, 2014

    Saturday, August 16, 2014

    Noosha Ravaghi

    Noosha Ravaghi, born in Iran in 1970, spent her first four years in Tehran with her father and paternal grandparents.  She spent the next six years of her life traveling with her father to a number of countries, such as the United States, France, Tunisia, Italy, Greece, and Turkey, and learning different languages (English, French, Arabic, and Farsi) before she went back to Iran just in time to start high school.  After Noosha graduated from high school, she started teaching English as a Foreign Language to students of various ages at different schools.  She then decided to study French literature and worked with several magazines proofreading French and English texts and translating literary articles from French into Farsi.  Noosha got her Masters  in French Literature at University of Tehran in Iran.  She then went to France, where she attended Sorbonne – Paris III.  In 1997, Noosha went to California, where she got a second Masters, and graduated with honors, in Education – Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages at California State University – Fullerton.   Noosha is now in Orange County, California, where she has been editing books and teaching English, Farsi, and French to children as well as adults since 1997.   She enjoys traveling, watching movies, and writing.