Thursday, June 11, 2015

White Collar - Threads

  1. Why is Peter upset in the first scene?
  2. How does Neal get a cab?
  3. Whom do Peter and Neal interview?
  4. What does Neal suggest they do to get The Ghost?
  5. Who finds the venue for the event?
  6. Who is in charge of the food and booze?
  7. Why is Peter nervous about meeting his wife in the park?
  8. How does the FBI find out what The Ghost looks like?
  9. Why does Neal tell Peter to say "I'll be back"?
  10. How does The Ghost get the FBI to bring him the dress?
  11. Why does Peter run to the fountain?
  12. What is attached to the model's belt?
  13. Why does Neal tell the FBI to keep calling The Ghost?

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