Thursday, July 7, 2016

White Collar - Discussion Questions

Out of the Box
1.       What is Neal’s excuse for leaving early?
2.       Who does he meet?
3.       What does Alex ask Neal to go in the pool?
4.       Where is the box?
5.       Who will let Neal out of his anklet?
6.       What kind of life does Neal want?
7.       Does Mozzie believe in “happily ever after”?
8.       What is Peter checking when he’s sitting at the table in his house?
9.       What kind of deal does Neal make with Fowler?  What is Neal’s “price”? 
10.   How will Neal’s team enter the Italian Embassy?
11.   How will Alex get to the party?
12.   How will Mozzie get to the party?
13.   How will Neal get to the party?
14.   What happens as soon as Peter goes to Neal’s house?
15.   Peter says, “You’re fooling yourself if you think ______________”
16.   What does Fowler do to cause trouble for Peter?
17.   What kind of gift does Neal give to the Italian Embassy?
18.   Where were Neal and Alex the last time they were close to getting the box?
19.   What happened to Alex last time?
20.   What happened to Neal last time?
21.   What happened to the anklet when Alex and Neal were talking?
22.   Who was responsible for that?
23.   What is El’s job?
24.   Why does Fowler go to El’s workplace and search her office?
25.   Who was Peter with when he got the call from El?
26.   What does Fowler say when El puts her hand on his chest?
27.   What does Peter do in reaction to that?
28.   What happens to El and Peter as a result of Fowler’s actions?
29.   Why did Fowler cut Peter out?
30.   How is Fowler manipulating Neal’s anklet?
31.   Why can’t Peter arrest Neal?
32.   How will Peter get Fowler’s badge?
33.   Peter needs help from someone he can trust?  Who is that?
34.   What does Peter ask Diana to do?
35.   What does Mozzie do before he cuts off Neal’s anklet?
36.   What does Diana need to get in the OPR building?
37.   Where are they going to place the sculpture in the Consulate?
38.   What does Mozzie do to help Alex get the key card?
39.   What kind of toast does Neal make at the Consulate?
40.   What does security do to Neal after he makes his toast?
41.   What does Alex put in the plants?
42.   What happens when the alarm goes off?
43.   Where does Neal get the tools he needs to rob the place?
44.   Why does Mozzie ask Neal to hurry up?
45.   How does Mozzie explain his pain?
46.   What does Neal find inside the safe?
47.   What does Alex do when she gets the box from Neal?
48.   What is Peter’s plan?
49.   Why does June tell Neal, “It’s going to work out”?
50.   Why does Alex bring the box back to Neal? She gives two reasons…
51.   Where does Diana go?
52.   How does she know Fowler won’t be there?
53.   Why was “Mentor” created?
54.   What does Fowler respond when Neal asks, “What’s so special about the box”?
55.   What does Diana do?
56.   How does she explain her presence in Fowler’s office to the guy who sees her there?
57.   What does the guy immediately do?
58.   How does Mozzie explain Neal’s future life?
59.   What is the last thing Mozzie tells Neal?
60.   What does El find on the table in her house?
61.   What does she do?
62.   Why is Neal doing El this favor?
63.   What does Neal ask El about relationships?
64.   What does Neal do to the phone after he talks to El?
65.   Where does Fowler confront Diana?
66.   How does he ask Diana for the file?
67.   Why does Diana raise her arms higher?
68.   What does Peter want Fowler to tell him?
69.   How does Peter answer when Neal asks Peter if he’s here to arrest him?
70.   In what capacity did Peter go to see Neal at the airport?
71.   Why didn’t Neal say goodbye to Peter?
72.   What happens to the plane when Neal stops to talk to Peter?
73.   Who was on the plane waiting for Neal?
74.   Who do you think killed her?

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